Aggressive 84 42 73 AKJT763 |
Moderate Q32 A8 9 AKQ9752 |
Conservative A K43 KT AKJT872 |
Why play the Gambling 3NT? The following tournament deal is an example in all its dice-rolling glory.1 (Hands rotated for convenience.)
North | ||||
KQT3 | ||||
AT872 | ||||
West | — | East | ||
A95 | AJT2 | 8742 | ||
QJ6543 | K9 | |||
J | South | 8543 | ||
Q94 | J6 | K73 | ||
— | ||||
AKQT9762 | ||||
865 |
South dealt and opened 3NT, which was passed out. Sitting West was Philip Alder, expert player and former bridge columnist for The New York Times. A heart lead would have set the contract by two, but Alder led the
Partner will normally pass an opening 3NT. However, he is allowed to bid if it's deemed necessary. There are several flavors of response schemes to choose from. Below is a summary of some common approaches.
Meaning | |
4 |
There are a couple ways to play this:
4 |
Again, a couple ways to play this:
4 |
Natural, showing a good 6+ card heart suit. |
4 | Natural, showing a good 6+ card spade suit. |
4NT | Quantitative, inviting 6NT. |
5 | Bail-out bid, showing major-suit weakness but good support for both minors. Asks opener to pass or correct to |
There are multiple ways to define opener's rebids in response to a strong 4 ask.
Meaning | |
4 | Gerber. |
4/ | Cue bid showing a side-suit ace. |
4NT | Minimum strength. |
The same rules can apply over a strong 4 response, except that opener cannot use Gerber.
Alternatively, opener's rebids may describe suit length.
Meaning | |
4// | A singleton in the bid suit. |
4NT | A semi-balanced hand, i.e. 2-2-2-7 or 2-2-7-2. |
5/ | Natural, to play. |
Expert Ron Klinger suggests the following approach to dealing with an opposing 3NT opening.2
Meaning | |
Double | Penalty-oriented. |
4 | Takeout for the majors, with a preference for hearts. |
4 | Takeout for the majors, with a preference for spades. |
4 | Natural. |
4 | Natural. |
1 ACBL. Daily Bulletin, Volume 61, Number 9. 2019.
2 Klinger, Ron. Bridge Conventions, Defences and Countermeasures. London, Weindenfeld & Nicolson, 2017.
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