Opener | Responder |
1NT | 2 |
Responder's minor suit length may vary depending on the overall strength of his hand. With minimum strength, e.g. 8 points opposite a strong 1NT, responder should have at least 5-4 distribution in the minors. With interest in slam, responder need only be 4-4 in the minors.
Examples of Minor-Suit Stayman hands (opposite a strong 1NT opener):
A2 KJ2 KT98 AJ83 |
3 JT3 KT98 A9832 |
7 K2 KQ953 A8765 |
After hearing 2 response, opener's rebids are as follows. Note that unlike regular Stayman, opener has some latitude in judging whether to reveal a 4-card suit. Specifically, opener is allowed to bid
Rebid | Meaning |
2NT | Denies a 4-card minor. Implies stoppers in both major suits. |
3 | Shows 4+ clubs. With 4-4 shape in the minors, opener should bid |
3 | Shows 4+ diamonds. (Denies 4+ clubs.) |
3 | Shows a heart stopper, and invites partner to bid 3NT with a spade control. Forcing. Opener may have a 4-card minor with highly balanced shape and strength, and merely looking to see if 3NT is the best fit. |
3 | Shows a spade stopper, and invites partner to bid 3NT with a heart control. Forcing. Opener may have a 4-card minor with highly balanced shape and strength, and merely looking to see if 3NT is the best fit. |
3NT | Denies a 4-card minor. Shows maximum strength with stoppers in both major suits. |
4 | Shows 4+ clubs and maximum strength. |
4 | Shows 4+ diamonds and maximum strength. |
Most of responder's rebids are natural. The exception is bidding a new major suit, which shows a singleton or void. For the sake of completeness, though, below are all of responder's rebids based on opener's rebid.
Meaning | |
Pass | Minimum strength, relatively balanced. Probably 5-4 in the minors. Responder should bid a minor with 5-5 distribution (or longer.) |
3 | Natural and non-forcing with 5+ clubs. Suggests 5 diamonds because opener is allowed to run to |
3 | Natural and non-forcing with 5+ diamonds. Opener is expected to pass. |
3 | A singleton or void in hearts with slam interest. Forcing. |
3 | A singleton or void in spades with slam interest. Forcing. |
3NT | To play. |
4 | Strong and forcing with 5+ clubs. |
4 | Strong and forcing with 5+ diamonds. |
Meaning | |
Pass | Minimum strength. |
3 | Strong and forcing with 5+ diamonds. |
3 | A singleton or void in hearts with slam interest. Forcing. |
3 | A singleton or void in spades with slam interest. Forcing. |
3NT | Natural and non-forcing. Responder may be something like 2-2-5-4 shape and willing to stop in no-trumps. |
4 | Natural and invitational to |
4 | Open for partnership discussion. Could be a cuebid with interest in a diamond slam, OR natural and forcing with 5+ diamonds. |
Meaning | |
Pass | Minimum strength. |
3 | A singleton or void in hearts with slam interest. Forcing. |
3 | A singleton or void in spades with slam interest. Forcing. |
3NT | Natural and non-forcing. Responder may be something like 2-2-4-5 shape and willing to stop in no-trumps. |
4 | Open for partnership discussion. Could be a cuebid with interest in a club slam, OR natural and forcing with 5+ diamonds. |
4 | Natural and invitational to |
Meaning | |
3 | A singleton or void in spades with slam interest. Forcing. |
3NT | To play. |
4 | Natural and forcing with 5+ clubs. |
4 | Natural and forcing with 5+ diamonds. |
Meaning | |
3NT | To play. |
4 | Natural and forcing with 5+ clubs. |
4 | Natural and forcing with 5+ diamonds. |
4 | A singleton or void in hearts with slam interest. Forcing. |
The following examples assume a 15-17 1NT opening bid. You can of course tailor Minor Suit Stayman to fit your own 1NT range.
Opener | Responder | ||||
KT93 | 5 | ||||
AK74 | 63 | ||||
J83 | AT542 | ||||
A5 | KJ832 | ||||
Opener 1NT 2NT (2) |
Responder 2 (1) Pass |
Opener | Responder | ||||
J95 | AK3 | ||||
A92 | K3 | ||||
AQ8 | KJ52 | ||||
A932 | QJT4 | ||||
Opener 1NT 3 (2) 5 (4) |
Responder 2 (1) 4NT (3) 6 |
Opener | Responder | ||||
AKQ | 8 | ||||
J54 | AT3 | ||||
KQ5 | A7632 | ||||
J983 | A752 | ||||
Opener 1NT 3 (2) |
Responder 2 (1) 3NT(3) |
Over a 2NT Opening Bid
You can also play Minor Suit Stayman after a 2NT opening bid. In that case,
In Competition
If the opponents double
If the opponents bid over
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