The Sandwich no-trump gives up the meaning of a natural strong 1NT overcall, which rarely occurs after both opponents have bid and partner has passed.
The convention gets its name from the fact that 1NT is bid "between" the two opponents, as in this example:
Bid 1NT, the Sandwich no-trump. This asks partner to bid the other two suits, clubs or diamonds. Bidding the Unusual 2NT here would show better values. Also, a takeout double would imply more strength and lesser distribution.
Bid 1NT to show hearts and spades. Note that bidding 2 as the Michaels convention here would show greater strength, i.e. 11+ points.
Bid 1NT to show the two unbid suits, diamonds and spades.
In response to a Sandwich 1NT, partner is expected to bid one of the indicated suits if the next player passes. Any jump raises are preemptive and non-forcing, showing at least a 4-card suit.
A cuebid (very rare) is artificial and forcing, showing interest in game.
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